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Speed Of Light

On Earth common measurements for distances are metres, kilometres, inches and miles to name a few. Due to the colossal size of space, these measurements are no longer adequate enough to describe distances. Instead, cosmic distances are measured in light years. Say a celestial object was ten light years way from you; this would mean that it would take light ten years to reach that object, from where you are now. Light travels at approximately 300 000km/s (299 782 km/s) and a light year is approximately equal to 9 461 000 000 000km (9.461 x1012 or 9.461 trillion kilometres). Light from the stars that you see at night can only been seen on Earth after they have travelled the distance that they are from Earth, so if star is perhaps 5 light years away, its light must journey for 5 years to reach Earth, to be seen. Using powerful telescopes such as the Hubble space telescope scientists have been able to see stars, galaxies and constellations that are millions of light years away, whereby the images and events that they are seeing now, took place millions of years ago. Also used in measuring stellar distances is the Parsec unit of measurement which spans about 3.26 light years.

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