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Victims Of Abuse

Victims of abuse

Among the many prisoners in the world, there are few that can compete with the travesty that victims of abuse must endure. The first thing that most people must understand with these victims of abuse is that there are commonly three types of abuse. There are those that endure the physical, the emotional, and the professional. These are commonly all intermingled and each is as devastating as the next. There are many that will contest that there is one that is worse than the other two, but one has to consider what is worse an emotional scar or a physical one? Both have their defining aspects that can be seen in one fashion or another.

The professional abuse is one that is not overly common, but has devastating effects as well. To have a family member that crushes a profession of another is something that can have not only lasting effects on the psyche, but also on the reputation of the person, not to mention the financial aspects. These are most commonly seen are where a spouse hinders another or where a parent does this to one of their offspring.

With all of these victims of abuse, one question has to be asked: When does it stop? Many victims of abuse become like beaten animals and are submissive to it. There are the rare few that will rise up and make a stand. Many times their spirit is broken and they are no longer able to make a stand on their own. Many times, these victims of abuse need to have support to make the abuse stop. That is something that most times an outside force has to assist in as the victims of abuse will seldom reach for help unless the situation has grown worse and they are finally reaching out.

Most of the time, the victims of abuse are the children and the females of the family that are subjected to the abuse. The sad part is that the abuse continues beyond the family and spreads like a disease that goes down the line like a rot that festers in what each former member is involved in. Many times the help that the victims of abuse need is not just to get away from it, but to break the cycle before it can begin anew.

The first step for victims of abuse is to determine when does it stop? They have to make a stand on their own and get the help to fix the situation. That is the first step, many times it is better to get out of the situation than to remain a victim of abuse or to confront the person and cause an even worse situation.

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