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Let's Dream
(Marguerite Yourcenar)

Let us dream. Like Sherazade and the thousand and one nights... we go
searching for the dream that the tale takes us to. Through the
astounding narration of Marguerite, let us be enchanted by the fables
and the legends. Aiming the East, across the seas, the dreams and the
myths. From China to Greece, from the Balcans to Japan. Time runs
through our fingers so, without any delay we depart.
Marguerite prepared everything for our journey, we go sailing by
her feather in a book that is both simple and filled with pearls. We
thus open the shell, the same one that opened itself when Marguerite
turned into the first women, inter pares, in the French Academy of
writers. The belgian who promenaded across the Ancient studies as if
she was in the Tulleries, will always take us to good destinies.

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