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The Epistle Of Galatians

Paul wrote the epistle of Galatians to provide guidance to the churches in Galatia that he and others had founded. This is a well written piece of literature and Paul is very persuasive in this writing. Everything in this writing that was true in Paul's day could be applied to today's church and people.

Paul begins his writing giving praise to God and wishing grace and peace to all from God and his Son, Jesus Christ. He then informs the people of the church that they should not strive to please men, but to please God. Telling in detail of his past history of persecuting the Jewish people, he tells of his conversion and how through God's grace, he was saved. Through Paul's many travels, he ministered to many people and helped spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. One poignant thought that could be applied to today's church is when he reminded the people of Galatia how well they welcomed him and glorified God in the beginning but as time progressed, they fell away from the church and Paul's teachings. Although Paul did not please many people with the truth and gospel he preached, he did not change his story or teachings to please them.

Paul brings out in this letter how he rebuked Peter when Peter refused to eat with the Gentiles out of fear of criticism. Feeling that such refusal could bring about the misleading idea that there were two churches, Paul's action encourages modern day church members to provide guidance to a leader or member of the church who is going astray. Paul is persuasive in his writing by giving a history of the law and the blessing of Abraham. He emphasizes how laws were created because of man's transgression but states that man can find salvation through Jesus Christ, not just by strictly obeying the law.

Paul has several verses in this epistle that are quoted today concerning how people should treat their fellow man. He lists in detail the works of the flesh and then lists the fruit of the Spirit so there is no mistake to believers what is false teaching and what is of God. Paul's manner of writing and organization in this writing provides information and insight into what things a believer should value and strive to attain. The topics presented were well worth reading in Paul's day and are certainly pertinent to the reader today.

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