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The Thomas Berryman Number
(James Patterson)

James Patterson takes you on the journey of two men, Thomas Berryman, and Ochs Jones. We follow along on as Jones traces Berryman?s steps on murder. The story starts and ends with murder. The reader knows from the beginning that Jimmie Lee Horn, mayor of Nashville, will die. The adventure is in the manhunt, and in the solving of the mystery. Jones and his newspaper think they already know whodunit. But, on a tip, they send Jones to meet Ben Toy at a mental institute. It is through Ben Toy that Jones learns about Berryman for the first time. Ben Toy provides for Jones, and the reader, the background about Berryman, and about the events leading up to the crime. Jones picks up the hunt, talking to Berryman?s girlfriend, by checking out his house and apartment. The reader is constantly being flashed back to before the murder, and then subsequently flashed forward to after the murder. We follow Berryman as he plans for the murder. The story climaxes on the day of the murder. We read with horror, as the events unfold. The end of the story leaves a twist, with the reader hanging. This book is a must read for anyone who likes suspense.

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