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Black Beauty
(Sewell, Anna.)

Anna Sewell's classic tale of a horse in 19th century London will make you laugh and weep. It tells the story of a beautiful black stallion who was eventually named Black Beauty. As a colt he lived in a place filled with kindess and joy with his mother in a gorgeous land. But soon everything changes when misfortune hit his owners and Beauty is sold. Events became gradually worse when he is sold over and over again, and not all his owners treated him with care and thought. Throughout his journey in life, Beauty sturggles with the physical demands of his day to day life, he finds friendship in the form of a spunky pony Merrylegs, and love in the form of the fiery Ginger; a beautiful chestnut mare with struggles of her own. Beauty also learns the sometimes dark nature of man, and the enormous compassion that some are able to show. Sewell's telling of the book from Beauty's point of view helps to engage the reader in all that Beauty has to endure. It is truly a magnificent story of love, friendship, pain, heartbreak and eventually, happiness and contentment.

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