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(Bruce Huntly)

Bruce Huntly?s novel, Fusion, is an entertaining thriller focusing on an important social, economical, and political issue ? the use of alternative fuels that could considerably reduce our dependence on oil. Specifically, the author examines the use of Cold Fusion as a viable alternative fuel.

The plot is action packed from start to end. The story, itself, centers on a young headstrong woman by the name of Kaylin Gordon. With possession of her late father?s scientific research on Cold Fusion as a feasible alternative fuel, Kaylin becomes the target of an international plot. A group of powerful and dangerous men, eager to maintain control of the fuel industry at any cost, actively pursues Kaylin to acquire and suppress her father?s research.

The author takes the reader on a suspenseful and dangerous journey from Canada to the United States, to Paris, and to Zurich. Kaylin and her friends, as well as allies, Milly and Matthew, hunt down, and combat those seeking to silence Kaylin.

Filled with suspense, the journey reveals many twists and turns. We think we know each character Kaylin meets, but are surprised to discover that some are not what they appeared to be.

Through a series of deadly conflicts involving Kaylin and her friends, Kaylin discovers she is not only fighting to protect her father?s work, but also fighting to save her own life. The forces she is up against seriously underestimate this strong willed and physically powerful young woman.

The plot surrounding alternative fuels coincides well with today?s concern about the high cost of oil, gas, and the damage we are doing to our environment. The book could easily be adapted for television or film.

The international intrigue and suspenseful plot makes this book a real page-turner. Because of the well-written dialogue, eloquent description of the various international settings, easy to understand technical terms regarding Cold Fusion, and an intense romance, the novel is a definite must-read.

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