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Reservation Mania
(Arun Shourie)

Reservations in India after independence have been started to help the poor , under privileged sections of the society who for decades were deprived of proper life in terms of education, lively hood, good jobs. So the main objective of having proper reservation, quotas for poor people of society cannot be questioned .50 years down the line after independence where do we stand in terms of getting the poorer section of the society into the main fold and bringing them on par with other well developed people in the society. This is a big question mark that will turn our rulers' face into red and make them search for justifications for what all happened after independence.
Our society for too long has been continuing to be with disparities in education, jobs, livelihood between different sections of the society one end we have had people enjoying all the luxuries in the world , at the other end we have had people living with dire poverty, horrible destitution, worst shame on all we have had people dying with starvation as late as last year 2005.these are unacceptable in a country growing at more than 8% per annually .so the thought that providing quotas for poor people in educational institutions and companies is a great thought at the outset. but this objective has been misused by our rulers to gain political mileage, to divide the society on the basis of caste, religion, to keep a fight between the rich and poor continue so that they will gain. They have created an impression that being rich is a sin and being rich means enemy of the poor. Do all these sound like an enemy working to destroy our country so that he gains power from it? Yes the enemy is within and this is the most frightening thing. Other wise that in the world would make constitutional changes to get 27% of reservation for OBCs, 5 % reservation for Muslims, and worst of all 27% reservation in all the premier institutions of India. .if these moves were genuine then we all must stand and applaud but intentions are exactly the opposite. For the people who are ruling our country welfare means their own welfare. Our political class is so obsessed with the lust for power that they do not know where political interest ends and national interest begins. They do not have time to think about national interest..
Reservation can never be on the basis of caste, religion. it makes people to feel being hard done and feeling bad because they are born in one particular caste or religion.it should be based on the economic condition of the people.an opulent lower caste person should never a get a seat reserved in big institutes just because he belongs to a particular caste, this will deprive a meritorious person of the chance to get in .this is especially true in case of premier institutes like AIIMS, IITS etc. imagine the trauma a person who puts in years of effort to get into an AIIMS or an IIM and fails to get into it just because he belongs to a particular caste. the mental pain he goes through is inconsolable.reservations should be at the basic primary level where the seeds for any propering career will be sown. good primary education should be ensured to the poor people by taking care of all their needs. if this is ensured people do not need reservation at the higher level. also this is not something beyond possibility to achieve. India is not a poor country that it used to be . so lot of money , effort can be spent on reforming primary education and ensure that all people get good quality primary education which will make sure that the under previleged section will come on par with others.
Instead everytime our politicians choose shorter, dangerous paths of increasing quotas and starting quotas where there are not any.why do they do that??,the reason is obvious.the only thing they know is to know ways and means to get votes, being control freak and searching for good things that have been happening in the country without their interference and trying to destroy them.the worsof this started when 27% quota as per Mandal commission's recommondations started in 80's.this caused irrepairable damage to harmony and equal justice in the society. quotas and reservations and poor people have become pawns in the hands of our rulers from across the spectrum and all political parties.
If we look at the other Things in India , it has really been great the way india has been growing economically and indian companies have started going global and we are seeing the fruits of globalization.even though some problems still remain like povery and unemployment, India for sure is an emerging global power. all these have been happening despite our politicians.there is a great tribute to be paid to our Business Class in this who have come out of the jaws of our control maniac politicians. But then at the end these rulers are elected by us so indirectly the responsibilty lies with all of us to put proper people at the helm to rule us, it is time to say good bye to the prospectors and welcome the pilgrims. let us not allow our politicians to spoil the party.onus lies on all of us.

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