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Beijing Normal University

Beijing Normal University
was the earliest estab1ished teacher-training university in
China, which grew out of the Faculty of Education of the
Metropolitan University founded in 1902. She was named as
Beijing Normal University in 1923.
??In the last one hundred years, the faculty and students
of the Beijing Normal University, motivated by a strong
sense of responsibility for the nation and the people, have
strived to live up to the motto of "studying to teach and
acting to example" and cultivated a fine tradition of
patriotism, progress, honesty, innovation, truth-seeking
and being a paragon in virtue and learning. After one whole
century?s development, BNU has become an important
education and research base for multi-disciplines and
advanced scientific studies. It cultivated nearly 200,000
talents for China, including many excellent teachers.
??BNU was among the first group to be designated as a
member university of the "Project 2ll " and became a member
university of ?Education Revival Project? by the Ministry
of Education, which means the university has been receiving
financial support from both the Ministry of Education and
Beijing Municipality as a key university with her own
characteristics and superiorities. In August 2002, the
Ministry of Education and Beijing Municipality signed an
agreement to support the University to construct a globally
influential university.
??Beijing Normal University lays great emphasis upon
discipline construction, sets up a curricular system with
characteristics of teacher training, educational science,
pure science and humanities. Currently, the University has
27 schools and departments, 12 institutes. The University
pioneers with respect to the number of national key
laboratories, bases for science researching and talents
cultivation, authorization units for Ph.D., and the average
personal academic achievements throughout the country.
??Beijing Normal University has taken an active part in
international academic exchanges and cooperation with above
one hundred oversea universities and international
organizations. The field of international exchange and
cooperation has expended very quickly.
??Beijing Normal University centennial celebration was
held in the People?s Great Hall. The national leaders
attended the celebration, and President Jiang Zemin
delivered an important speech. President Jiang Zemin
expressed ardent expectation to Beijing Normal University
in the lecture.
??In the new century, the University sets a goal to
reshape herself to be comprehensive in curriculums and
research-oriented with distinctive feature, aiming to be
well-known and first-class university in the world..

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