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Piercing The Darkness: Undercover With Vampires In America Today
(Katherine Ramsland)

As far back as 1047 A.D. when vampires were first discovered in written form, there has never been a true depiction of them in existence until now. Piercing The Darkness: Undercover With Vampires In America Today, written by reknown vampire author Katherine Ramsland, is a true depiction of vampires in American society. This collection of vampiric accounts was documented by Katherine herself upon the disapperance of Susan Walsh, a thirty-six-year-old reporter from Nutley, New Jersey who disappeared on July 16, 1996 while investigating Manhattan's vampire cults. This book contains the erotic yet intriguing lifestyles from real life vampires concerning those that were associated with Susan's investigative reporting. This book is explicit in nature and contains references to anonymous vampires that have given permission to recreate their stories to Katherine Ramsland.
Go behind the scenes of modern day vampires into a world of the scariest imaginings since Anne Rice's Interview With The Vampire for a personal in depth tour of the vampire subculture which many have never believed of its existence until now. Research Katherine's findings of the vampire world through liquid electricity clubs and sadomasochist havens which have become favorite nightspots among the undead. Delve into a vampirelike wedding such as that the world has never seen and find out what it's really like to live as an immortal child. Find out how several vampire enthusiasts have gone above and beyond their fantasies into a chaotic world of blood, sexual exploits, and even death. As a researcher of vampirology for many years, the reader of this book can witness first hand the life of true vampires through a brave woman's eyes and know that this isn't a simple fairytale. This and other vampire lifestyles are awaiting you in this exciting novel, a novel worthy enough to sink your teeth into!

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