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Pet Sematary
(Stephen King)

Pet Sematary by Stephen King is was the scariest book I have ever read. When it first came out I read it and actually had to sleep with the lights on for a month. But I have still managed to read it over and over.

Set in that creepy, small town in Main, Louis Creed and his family moved to after living in Chicago. Their first and exciting outing is to the pet sematary, where generations upon generations of children have buried their beloved pets. Yet beyond the pet sematary there lies another burial ground-The Micmac Burying Ground. Once something dies, you should bury it and leave it dead. Yet at The Micmac Burying Ground you are able to bury, say your cat or son and they miraculously come back to life. But are they same loveable pet and child or are they now demon-possessed murderers? Some things should just stay dead no matter how hard it is to cope. This book is so horrifying and scary, but you won?t be able to put it down.

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