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Scholars Of Renown
(Edited by Adil Salahi.)

IBN AL-HASSAN IBN HIBATULLAH better known as IBN ASAKIR, born in the year 499 A.H corresponding to A.C1106,despite of educating in islamic law and his interest in Hadith, was known for his great book Tareekh Dimashq or History of Damuscus. It is an encyclopedic work in eighty volumes.The scholar who studied his book in depth describes it as a garden were Hadith,Fiqh, literature,linguistics and history finds much of interest.He is known for his major works.Political oraters and teachers too have found his work useful in their respective careers.A saying of ANWAR-I-SUHEILI best suits him '' Travel man's tutor is and glory's gate, On travel treasure and instructions wait.''

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