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Threat From Al-qaida

Threat from Al-Qaida
Leave nothing to chance
THE US warning that Al-Qaida operatives may strike in a big way in India anytime before August 15 is not surprising. India has been known to be among the targets of the global terrorist outfit ever since an audio message from Al-Qaida was telecast by Al-Jazeera on April 23 this year. That is why the Indian security establishment has reacted by saying that it has already been on high alert with the Independence Day and Janmashtami celebrations approaching fast. But Pakistan-based terrorist networks like the Lashkar-e-Toiyaba, which National Security Adviser M.K. Narayanan believes is part of Al-Qaida, and the Jaish-e-Mohammed figure more prominently in India?s threat perception because of their past record and the covert support they had been getting from the ISI.
In any case, the truth remains that India has to maintain strict vigil at its sensitive installations besides airports, trains, hotels, major markets, etc. Nothing should be left to chance to prevent terrorists of any denomination from getting successful in implementing their destructive designs. India has been a victim of Pakistan-sponsored terrorism for a long time and it knows well that the forces of destruction sustain themselves by springing surprises. So, people, particularly those undertaking air travels, must cooperate with security personnel even if security checks sometimes amount to delays or lead to embarrassing situations. Air travel can no longer be like what it was before the unearthing of the plot to blow up passenger planes on trans-Atlantic flights from London.
Airlines will have to ensure that there are no terrorist operatives in their staff, particularly after the identification of such a person associated with one private air carrier. India?s problem is slightly more complicated than other countries in view of the fact that it has already been on the target list of most of the terrorist outfits operating from Pakistan. That some of these have been in league with Al-Qaida is a different matter. So, India has to be on guard from all of these elements. A major battle against Osama bin Laden?s network can be won if the world unites to put pressure on Islamabad to destroy all the Kashmir-centric networks in Pakistan. This is in the interest of the entire international community. More delay can lead to more disasters.

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