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The Rabbit Factory
(Marshall Karp)

"The Rabbit Factory" by Marshall Karp, is by far the best book I've read in a while. You will delight in Biggs and Lomax's sense of humor. You'll find yourself laughing out loud and crying a the same time. Biggs thinks he's a comedian and Lomax's wife just died. And of course, they play off each other. When you meet the "I know more than you, because I went to a better school, have more money, am more important than you, and have more power," you find yourself wishing you had said what Biggs and Lomax had said. they have a way of using humor to put people in their place.
The book has a great plot that you'll want to stay awake reading until your finished. The chapters are short and you have to read the next one to find out what happen and before you know it you've read a hundred pages. Comparing Marshall Karp to other famous authors it would be a combination or W.E.B. Griffen and James Patterson together and you would have Marshall Karp. If I could pick one book for a deserted Island it would be this book, "The Rabbit Factory".

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