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Path Of Deception
(Mickey Josephson)

--completes Chapter 6, Path of Deception.

Alex pushed away what was left of his Greek Vegetable Wrap a while later and smiled at Johnny. ?Estelle,? he called out, ?did I ever tell you I saw Johnny leave with the barn doors open??
?Who won the race??
?Shut up.?
?You?re telling secrets, Alex,? she said walking into the dining room.
?Padre, Felix, Spiritual, Santos,? Johnny crossed himself.
?He looked like a squashed bunch of flowers, Estelle.?
?You told me.?
?Thanks for the compliment.?
?You were beautiful.?
?Who let you in there, Alex??
?I had a pass from God.?
He leaned over and touched Johnny?s hand. Estelle walked toward the kitchen, ?Hey, I?m getting out of here.?
He nodded.
?Why?d you give away two thirds of your deal for only $100,000,000 when it?s probably worth $500,000??
?I was going broke.?
?And Chris?? he sighed.
Johnny glanced away.
?Your sister called here. She says you?re making a mistake. It?s never really over, Johnny ? you know that. There?s a piece of her that?s you.?
?I don?t want to hear that from you!?
Estelle rattled a dish; Alex lit a cigarette.
?Hey guys, what do you want for desert??
?You and Maria must have rung up a big phone bill??
?Vince Kraemer?s your partner.? Alex twisted and turned.
?How do you know him??
?Why didn?t you call me??
?Call you!?
?Johnny, you?re sleeping in the room next to ours. You?ll have to use our bathroom, the one in your bedroom is being fixed,? Estelle called out.
?Where the fuck were you when we needed you.?
?What can I say??
Estelle came inside with pastries. Johnny brushed by her and went into the bedroom.

The morning sunlight streamed onto Johnny?s cheeks through an open window, a gentle breeze ruffled his hair. A nightingale sang but he wasn?t listening. He rose from bed, stumbled to a window and stretched. A sweet fragrance came through the window.
?Johnny,? Estelle called out from a garden.
?Come on, I don?t have much time,? Alex added.

A Sikorsky helicopter took off from Alex?s roof, scattering birds, and flew north towards the San Fernando Valley.
Johnny looked glum as Alex banked the copter and pointed to a sign ? ?Alexander Inc,? the sign
read, standing high above the adjoining office buildings.
The copter landed, he shut the engine and opened the cockpit door. A heavy set man approached, Alex talked with him in Greek. ? He appeared apprehensive after the man walked away.
?Something important came up. Stavros will show you around.? He said mysteriously, and got out of the cockpit. ?We?ll talk at lunch.?
Johnny saw him disappear into the office complex baring his name.
Stavros showed him the business. Alex had put together an investment fund known as a REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust); it owned millions in real estate. They stopped inside the office building lobby and Stavros pointed to the Las Vegas Paradise Hotel rendering, and said, ?Alex was awarded a $200,000,000 contract to build it.?
Twelve o?clock past, Johnny left Stavros and went to his Los Angeles apartment. The phone rang as he entered.
?Where did you go??
?How?d you get my number? I don?t even know it.?
?Never mind that, where?d you go??
?Somebody wants to buy my company!?
?What do you want me to do??
?I?m not sure what I?m going to do with you.?
?You?ve done enough. . . . I got to go. I got to unpack,? he said, and slammed the phone down.
Chapter 7 next.
Authors note:
Wisdom is there for anyone. You
must sit and sit and sit. Then write.Of course
you never really kow what comes out????

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