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Path Of Deception
(Mickey Josephson)

--continued from previous blog. Chapter 6

Vince Kraemer and Alex Spanos were college
buddies. . . . Maria knew this, and Johnny didn?t ?
she knew more than that but swore never to tell. She never called Alex father, nor did Johnny. He was only Alex, Alex Spanos. . . . He lived with them . . . sometimes.
Before Johnny?s 747 jet landed at LAX it passed over the Hollywood sign ? a sign that sprawls across the Hollywood Hills which should have read, Go back Johnny, go back before you discover the truth and they kill you.
A big, bald-headed guy hurried toward him as he entered LAX.
?Johnny, it?s me,? Alex cried out.
A bouzouki player strummed and Alex danced ?like he?d danced for a thousand years.
?A grappa to moro, Johnny,? he called out, spreading out his arms.
He smiled at Johnny ? a smile that consumed everything in sight.
?Where?s your mustache, you bald-headed Greek??
?For you my agrapa to moro,? he said, handing him flowers.
The musician strummed louder. Johnny gazed at the redhead next to him.
?Estelle, this is Johnny.?
She smiled facetiously. A crowd formed, Estelle drew Johnny near and held him close. ?He doesn?t stop talking about you, Johnny.? She gave him a wet kiss.
?Jesus,? he said.
?What?s Jesus got to do with this??? and she whirled him around.
?Nobody could make Alex do anything he didn?t want to do.?
She raised an eyebrow.
?Hoy?Hoy?Hoy?Hee?Hew,? Alex hooted. ?Dance, Johnny, dance like I taught you.?
?Ouch, what is this??
?Don?t pay any attention to him,? Estelle said, ?he?s a frustrated Chippendale dancer.
?Not with what?s in his drawers.?
She pulled him close and giggled.
?Dance, Johnny, dance,? Alex said. He stopped, the crowd continued to clap.
They rushed away ? ?More, more,? they called out.

?Aren?t you going to pay the musician?? Johnny asked, as Alex?s Cadillac turned onto the 405 freeway.
?Greeks have a way of finding Greeks,? and then she greased her lips looking into a mirror.
?You think I should get paid??
?Stop it.?
Alex stared at her in the rear view mirror.
The car turned onto Laurel Canyon Boulevard, off Sunset.
?We?re nearly home, Johnny.?
? It sped up narrow streets, passing rich, hillside homes, stopping at the top of Mount Olympus.
Maybe I was wrong about Alex. He looked at the female statue over the entranceway, her private spot covered by a fig leaf. ?She still needs panties,? Johnny said.
She was my idea,? Estelle remarked, getting out of the car.
?Don?t you like Athena??
?She?s not my type, Alex.?
?Come on, let?s go eat.? He brazenly walked to the front door.
?You think you?re Alexander the Great, don?t you??
?The doorman ? come on, let?s go.?
Hercules was holding the earth when Johnny entered. He walked past the statue, looked up at the17th century French chandelier and smiled.
?Welcome home, Johnny,? Estelle called out.
He entered the living room, searched the wall mirrors reflecting her image from every direction, then felt a kiss.
?There you are.?
?Hey-hey, what about me,? Alex yapped, ?Come here you, and sit down.?
Johnny stepped down into the dining room; Alex kissed him.
?I?ll get dinner.?
?Sit down and tell me what?s going on in your life??
?Are you a priest or something??
He turned his collar around.
?I don?t believe you.?
?You shouldn?t.?


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