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To Pleasure A Prince
(Sabrina Jeffries)

A Duke?s daughter challenges an eccentric Viscount to follow society?s rules during his sister?s debut.
Lady Regina Tremaine was the reigning queen of polite society. She set fashion standards with a nod of approval or a sigh of distaste. She could make or break a reputation with a studied glance. She has turned down so many marriage proposals that broken hearted suitors (and jealous rivals) have begun calling her La Belle Dame Sans Merci. But Regina has a secret; she never learned how to read. The words jump around on the page. If she looks at the letters too long, her head hurts. Only her cousin knows the truth. Almost everyone believes Regina is a frivolous sort of person. Still, even her staunchest critics admitted she was a very loyal friend. So when Louisa?s guardian, Viscount Draker forbids his ward to see Regina?s brother Simon, Lady Tremaine agreed to try and smooth the way for the young lovers.
Marcus North, Viscount Draker, was known as the Dragon Viscount. He was a self appointed exile from aristocratic circles who hated everything to do with society, especially the pretensions of the elite. Marcus had a very visible scar, a very well known feud with the Prince of Wales and a very obvious dislike of social functions. He would not allow those pompous hypocrites of so-called polite society to corrupt his innocent sister. When Regina came to plead her brother?s case, Marcus refused to listen to reason. The Viscount took one look at the lady and decided anyone that beautiful had to be vain and shallow. So he proposed an arrangement he was sure she would reject. He would allow her brother to date his sister, if she would agree to date him. To Marcus?s surprise, Regina says yes.
La Belle Dame Sans Merci and the Dragon Viscount are about to become very well acquanted. It is going to be a long month for both of them.

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