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Path Of Deception
(Mickey Josephson)




Mickey Josephson

1 (Part)

Montauk, Long Island Airport is one hundred miles west of New York City. It was flattened when the Ice Age came ? good for Johnny, it made flying easier. But Long Island isn?t the only location that would experience change ? change, nothing ever is as constant as change. It?s one of the few axioms anyone can be sure will occur.
He smiled, looking at Saint Theresa?s church ?that?s where he had dropped the wedding ring on the big day. He banked the single engine Cherokee and saw State Senator O?Neil walking on the beach.
What?s Tom doing here in December, he thought?
A reckless wind unexpectedly blew dark clouds across the runway and birds across the cowling ? ?Damn seagulls, get away,? he whispered.
Then he reduced the speed, lowered the flaps, adjusted the rudder, and landed.
?Shit,? he mumbled, bouncing the plane and taxiing off the runway.
?I want to fly,? Chris, his son, yelled.
?Let your father out of the death trap,? Gisela called out.
He looks an old thirty-nine, she thought, watching his gate drag. ?Let?s go boys, food?s on the stove,? she said, opening the car door.
?I?m running out of time Gisela,? he said, secur-
ing the plane.
?I wish I could help you, Johnny,? she sighed, closing the door behind Chris, and throwing her long, brown, curly hair back over her shoulders.
?We may have to find another place,? he said, getting in.
The wind blew the door closed and the car drove along the beach. A sand dune appeared, a wave swept over it, he stared. ?Hold on, hold on, Gisela. . . . Move horse, move. Pull up on reigns, Gisela. Hold on, hold on, Gisela. . . . Move horse, move!? His eyes fixed upon the dune. ?Pull up on reigns, Gisela.?
?There. . . . Slow down horsy. . . . Come here, get down and lay on this dune with me.?
?Johnny what?ya doing. Don?t, don?t. . . . Oh, Johnny ? you?re so horny. What about the horses??
?Let them run.?
?You?re terrible.?

. . .

?Where are you, Johnny??
He turned to her and smiled.
?The bank?s calling you about the loan.?
?Hm ? What??
I would be willing to die for you; he remembered her saying that day on the beach, the wind blowing her body sucking into him. He looked at her car and smiled. ?What we say in a moment of passion.?
She smiled. ?Johnny, why don?t you borrow the money from Alex??
?Alex . . . Alex. . . Alex. . . No, no.?

. . .

?Did you see?? she asked, pointing to a newspaper on the dashboard.

. . .

He picked it up ? ?Tom.?
She nodded.
?Grand Jury Investigates State Senator, Tom O?Neil,? he whispered, reading the paper.
?What?s going on Johnny? . . . First the leasing director gets 10 years, then the commissioner runs off
to South America, and now Tom. . . . He?s trapped ? nowhere to run.? He opened the window and flings the newspaper out.
?What,? he replied, gazing out the window.
?Daddy, what did you get me for my birthday??
?Shu ? what, Gisela??
?Be honest with me.?
?Didn?t you get me a birthday present??
He turned to Chris, and then her, ?What is it??
?Are you involved??
?With what?? She drove past the Tom O?Neil?s house and turned into their driveway.
?The Mafia??
?Daddy, you were supposed to get me a race car.?
?Shut up.?
She hit the brakes and came to sudden halt.
?How could you ask such a thing??
?Daddy, are you in the Mafia??
She shut the engine, threw open the door, and rushed out with Chris.
He watched them rush into the house and the door slam. He glanced at Tom?s boat dock ? his boat was sinking. He shook his head and started walking to the house.
?Johnny - Johnny,? a soft voice called out.
?Who is it?? . . . ?Oh, Alice.?
?I have a birthday gift for Chris ?,?she walked to him.
?Oh Alice, how nice of you. You shouldn?t have,? he said, walking with her. ?Come inside.?
She nodded enthusiastically and they walked up the steps. ?I?m not buying it, Alice,? he said, opening the door. ?That Grand Jury?s witch hunting.?
She nodded and went inside.
?Gisela, Alice is here. She has a present for Chris.?
?Daddy, we?re in the bathroom.?
?Sit down, please.?
?Daddy, Daddy, can I have it now?? The bathroom door threw open and Chris ran for the present.
?Happy birthday, Chris.?
?It?s goner be all right, Alice,? he said, turning to her. She sighed.
?Let him have it, Johnny,? Gisela called out.
?Gisela, will you come out please.?
?You just got home, you must be tired,? Alice said, touching his shoulder.
He sighed.
?You and Gisela are coming over for dinner
tomorrow night.?
?You sure??
?Yes, I?m very sure. It?d be good for Tom.? She turned away.
The toilet flushed.
?Mommy, Daddy, a race car.?
?Gisela, Alice invited us for dinner.?
?And after we?ll play a game.?
?What?? ? he half smiled.
The toilet flushed again.
?It?ll be fun. It?ll get Tom?s mind off the grand jury hearing.? She glanced at the door, ?I better get back, and he?ll be looking for me.?
?This isn?t polite ? Alice is leaving, Gisela,? he shouted.
The front door and bathroom door opened, then
Alice turned back.
chapter I

complete tomoorow.

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- Path Of Deception

- Path Of Deception

- Path Of Deception

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