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Remember Summer
(Elizabeth Lowell)

Standing upon Santa Fe?s desert hills Raine, Lorraine Chandler-Smith, attempts to scope out the trail range that is part of the three day event she will ride in the Olympics. The daughter of a powerful government agent Raine has no idea she is being watched by one of her father?s best men until he approaches her on the trail and literally knocks her off her feet. Dangerous, courageous, and down right abrasive Cord Elliot is everything Raine despises in a man. However, after one brush of his kiss she follows him downhill.
Unaware that he is listening and watching her every move Raine resumes her normal routine awaiting the Olympic Games to start in less than a week. Six days to be exacta. Raine agrees to go out on a date with the man called Cord Elliot. He picks her up at her hotel and takes her to a Vietnamese restaurant, then off to the planetarium. Outside the planetarium Raine flees from her date mistaking his controlled responses to her to be entirely something else. Chasing her Cord forces her to allow him to take her back to her hotel. Raine wishes never to see him again.
The next morning Raine?s horse Dev is in a miff over the scent of a man she forgotten to wash off the night before. Content she will never see him again she tends to her morning chores only to come face to face again with Cord. She realizes that he is a lot more important than just regular event security. A few days later Raine is thrown from her horse and Cord comes to the rescue. Then on out Raine is packed up and moved in the operative trailer parked outside of the stables. Giving into temptation, Raine and Cord embrace as lovers.
When the games begin Cord plays it cool putting his duty before his emotions. Raine and Dev barely pass the through the first competition. Then Raine comes to terms with Cord?s life, and she has no place in it. Cord thinks otherwise handing in his resignation to walk clear of his career once his mission is complete. During the second event Raine excels, but in the thrill of the ride Cord disappears. He is no where to be found for the final event. No one around knows his name when she inquires about him. Not even her father will reveal his location to her.
Raine retreats to a ranch in Arizona tired of competing she wants to settle down now and put Dev out to stud. After weeks of being alone on the ranch Cord Elliot returns to her. She runs to his arms and together they find love in the small cabin where she had been trying to accept life without him. They plan a future together living on the ranch and raising babies of the four legged and two legged kind.

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