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Sleeping Beauty
(The Grimm brothers)

One of the most fascinating tales in history, sleeping beauty, has always been a classic example of how certain tales never fade from peoples mind even after ages of its origination. The lovely tale commences with the king and queen wishing for a baby more than anything else. After a long wait, the queen finally gives birth to a lovely daughter. In complete ecstasy, the king orders a feast, where he invites not only his friends and relatives, but also the thirteen wise fairies who live in their land. The trouble starts when one of the fairies has to be left uninvited as it turns out that only twelve golden plates are there in the palace.

The party is celebrated and it turns out to be a huge successful event. At the end of the party, the fairies present the princess with gifts such as beauty, virtue, riches and other good things. As the eleventh fairy bestows her gift, the thirteenth fairy, who is angry on not being invited to the party curses in rage and shouts out that the princess shall prick her finger in her fifteenth year and fall dead. While everyone in the palace remains startled and speechless, the twelfth fairy comes forward and says that the princess shall not fall dead, but merely into a sleep which would last for a hundred years. In anxiety, the king immediately orders all the spindles in the kingdom destroyed, to keep the princess away from harm.

Years pass and the princess turns fifteen. One day when the princess is alone, she decides to explore the castle. She comes into a spiral staircase in a turret of the castle. Out of curiosity, she opens it, to find an old woman sitting and spinning flax busily. Intrigued by the spinning wheel, the princess touches the spindle and immediately, the magic curse comes into effect. The princess pricks her finger on the spindle and falls into a deep sleep. At that precise moment, the whole kingdom, starting from horses, doves and hounds to the maid, king and the queen, falls asleep. Hedges of thorns begin to grow around the castle, totally covering it, growing taller and denser.

In another land, a young handsome prince hears the story of the sleeping beauty and decides to free her from the curse, in spite of all the warnings that he receives. As the hundredth year ends, the prince approaches the castle. As he does so, they turn into lovely flowers and make way for the prince. The prince sees the beautiful princess fast asleep. He finds her so beautiful, that he bends down to kiss her. As soon as he touches her, she opens her eyes and as she does so, the whole kingdom awakens. The prince falls in love with sleeping beauty and asks for her hand to the king and queen. A lovely marriage takes place and as they say?they lived happily ever after.

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