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(Remisson Aniceto)

Homage to Cherry, my dog estimation, the loyalty of care given to my whole family over thirteen years, without making any claim besides ... Care. Do not leave for tomorrow the affection that can make today. Do not leave for tomorrow. Do not extend the smile, the tightness of hand, The hug, kiss. No transfer beyond what can be donated now, What can be repaid today. Do not leave for later that will have to do now. Do not save affection; you add interest To receive dividends. Do not wait and not suplique return. The affection attracts affection. A smile, another smile. It is not silent, speak now that phrase, affection, One word that expresses happiness Or even that it is true that, before hard, Necessary. You smile now, cry today, embrace today, love today, Giving care today, pray today, ask for forgiveness today, Forgive today''s work today, to play today. Do not leave for tomorrow the tears that should fall today, Because they can dry as the dry bed of the river. Do not extend to in a moment that is needed Be done now. Respect children, the elderly, Animals, the whole nature. Whether you today better than yesterday. Tomorrow may be late. Then, there will only be what could have been ... 10/04/2008 (one day later)

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