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Death Lies Silently Waiting

We have here a detective novel very different from conventional novels since, although it is true that there are good and bad guys in all of them, the characters are not like those we are so tired of reading about or seeing on tv. These characters are as real as life itself, from the Inspector up to the last of those appearing in this novel. They are people with whom we will cross paths on the street at any time and any place. The story arises from a series of crimes with very few common denominators: the victims are found with a cross engraved on their forehead, their ear lobes are cut off and, always present, is the number 115. Sects? Psychopaths? The police, lead by Inspector Bellami, are faced with the challenge of apparent killings, with no motive. Several characters will appear as suspects, the main one a priest, others are a plumber, a police officer, a bull fighter, a military man. A very interesting police novel. Its characters reflect the dark side of society, entertwining sordid stories, with a surprising ending which maintains suspense until the last moment. Once you start reading, it is impossible to stop, not knowing who is responsible and later finding a very unexpected answer.

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