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Powerful Speeches
(Suzan St Maur)

Most of us get nervous about making a speech, whether it's to 2000 convention delegates or meeting Often, though, people find that's the worst part of the whole process - the anticipation. The reality is often a lot easier to handle and can even be quite enjoyable, provided that you take the necessary precaution of doing your homework beforehand - preparation.

There are very, very few people who can get up at a moment's notice and give a good speech totally impromptu and on the spur of the moment. There are plenty of people who think they can and/or who will tell you they can, but the truth is most of them are deluding themselves and boring their audiences to tears.

There are also plenty of speakers who get up and present and make it look easy, as though they hadn't prepared anything beforehand. These are the real experts who, despite having years of speaking experience under their belts, if anything put more effort into preparation than people who speak for ten minutes once a year at the Golf Club dinner dance.

So, what about that preparation? Really, it's about remembering those key golden rules that apply to all good business writing and they are:

1. Define exactly not so much what you want to say, as what you want your speech or talk to achieve - ask yourself, 'what do I want the audience to be thinking as I come to the end of my speech?'

2. Find out as much as you can about your audience and ensure your content is very, very relevant to them and their needs.

3. Use language and tone of voice that the audience will understand and identify with - and blend that in with your own natural style of speaking.

4. By all means use a bit of jargon and a few 'in' phrases as long as you're certain the audience understands them, but never use jargon others may not know.

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