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When And Why Language Has Beginning

How And Why the Language it has beginning? Authors: srjasfer the language is the means of communicating and inters reacting between the beings human in a reciprocal way. They with this intention use signs or symbols oral or auditive arbitrarily allowed and agreed according to the dominant culture in each company. (Trager total, 1949) The language is a system of sounds, words, models, etc employees by the human ones to communicate thoughts and feelings. This arbitrary unit is Characterise by the dependence of structure, creativity displacement, duality, and cultural transmission. One in the best ways of understanding the human language is to compare it with the animal communication, to see the points of similarities and the differences. and them to locate or they there are. What interests us for the moment is to try to know and to include/understand how and why the language started. Nobody dares to give a sharp answer, us to describe with precision the first words of the man. The speculations in this field go good train. We quote as example some of the most known theories about the origin of the language. . The theory of the divine source: God created Adam and taught him the names from what exists in the ground and beyond. This is valid for all the religions monotheists. Généralement chaque société à sa propre version de l'origine de la langue Selon la mythologie indoue la parole est issue de la déesse Saraswati. Also let us note that the symbols or the ideography?s of the alphabet used in the writing are often associated the divine images. One can also quote the theory known as natural (which I would call rudimentary or primitive) i.e. the emitted sounds are an imitation of the real noises taken in nature. Tom-tom, cuckoo or other sounds which transcribe real noises or almost. They are words échoïques or onomatopoeically. On n'est pas loin de la théorie de Darwin concernant l'origine de l'espèce humaine et au même titre la langue elle aussi a évolué à travers les siècles d'uns formé primitive à une forme plus développée et plus complexe. One does not have any need to underline the light character of the theory Darwinians. No need to either delay us on theories of the type ding dong of Muller (a contemporary of Darwin) the expressions of the emotions by sound exclamations form part rather of an oral register of the language, such as for example the fact of expressing a feeling of contempt by the expiry of the air through the lips or the nostrils. The origin of the language according to such theories' there is a mystical relationship between the noise and its significance answering the primitive instinct of our ancestors. Pour eux à chaque impression il y a une expression vocale. Thus human being A gradually creates its language which evolved/moved with him.

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