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Christopher Marlowe- Biography
(Jyothi Prabha)

Christopher Marlowe is believed to be the ghost writer for Shakespeare. Even today, he is described as the ?Predawn light that ushered in the sunrise of William Shakespeare?.

Christopher Marlowe (1564-93) is famous as a great English playwright write. Born in the same year as of Shakespeare, he is said to have had the most important influence on the Bard of Avon, William Shakespeare. His father was a shoe maker in Canterbury. Marlowe was educated at King?s school, Canterbury and Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. In 1584 he received the bachelor?s degree and he got his master?s degree in 1587. After leaving Cambridge, he began his career as a playwright.

Marlowe wrote seven plays, the dates of which are uncertain. His major plays are Tamburlaine the Great (parts 1 and 2)
The Jew of Malta, which is said to have influenced Shakespeare?s ?The Merchant of Venice?
The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus
Edward II some scholars seem to believe that Marlowe had a share in the writing of Shakespeare?s plays- Henry V1, The Andronicus and Richard III.

Goethe, the great German poet and playwright has paid tribute to Marlowe by saying ?How greatly it was all planned; He was aware that Shakespeare did not stand alone?

Marlowe is praised for his achievements which helped and influenced the growth of English Drama. He is the first playwright to use Blank Verse, giving it life and making it a powerful medium of expressive dialogue. Another great achievement of Marlowe is that he introduced distinct characters into drama and paved the way for the great character dramas of Shakespeare and others.

Marlowe?s famous play ?Doctor Faustus? is a timeless story of a great soul whose ambition has gone awry. The play is appreciated for its finest dramatization of the Christian theme of the sin and retribution and also for the superb portrayal of Seven Deadly Sins. Even today, it is one of the very few popular Elizabethan plays still to be seen on our stages.

It is unfortunate that Marlowe messed up his personal life by getting involved in religious and political controversies. He was often charged with heresy and atheism. Before his case was decided, Marlowe was ruthlessly murdered, having been stabbed at a brawl in a tavern.

Notes compiled by: J.Prabha.

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