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(abdullah ibrahim)



In the name of the father and of the son and the holy spirit and one true God Amen: we are starting to write the story of our father Sarkis that?s called Rahib Bahirra/Sarkoyo/Sark?s Bahirra which the Syrians call him ?The cross hater?: A single man that was living in Mt.Sinai and how he was teaching(since childhood) to Muhammad.

My brethrens: Father Sarkiss told us this story me I monk Yeshoohyab/Jesusgave. On his sickness and on his journey to the holy mountain of Sinai: and on the kingdom of the sons of Ishmohill, one after one till the end:

The story also talks about how it was seen to Sarkiss, in the kind of 12 animals that were wondering around each other and more on the thankfulness of the sons of Hogor, and on the conversation that Sarkiss had with Muhammad the prophet of the Sarkoye/Sark?s. Also on the questions and the answers of the conversation that Muhammad had with Sarkiss:


And on the rising up of Fr.Sarkiss to the desert of Yatrab to the sons of Ishmohill, and on how he Sarkiss got banned/kicked out by Bishops that were in his time, and like they say: Because of the reason which he was hating the cross he got kicked out for.


Sarkiss was saying ?that only one cross was suppose to be put in the church because Jesus was crucified only on one cross and not many crosses and that we aren?t suppose to worship/bow to the cross made out of rock, silver, gold, alloy or any thing that?s made out from any other material/stuff but only to worship to the wooden cross (for Jesus was crucified on the wooden cross). So that we don?t look like the example of the idol worshippers the ones that selfish people and were worshiping to such idols.?

After Sarkiss got kicked out from the Christianity church/mahrammed by the bishops and from the priests because of these things that he was saying: Sarkiss Bahirra went to the desert of Yatrab where the Ishmohill?s were, and stayed with them in peace and quietness which he enjoyed his time with them.

There was food by the hands of single father Saint.Sbaryeshooh/Saint.HopeJesus/St.PreachJesus which whom this saint made a lot of big miracles in which that he sent after king Nahman of the Muslims and he brang him to him in the excuse of some kind of sickness that Nahman had became sick.

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