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In Front Of Cixi Passes On

A woman's political career,The beginning takes emperor to her husband's death, Xian feng Dynasty 11 years,the emperor Wenzong dies of Rehe the temporary palace,The young emperor takes a seat,His birth mother Lan'er is been called "the Mary empress dowager",she Faces the right enticement and pains of the husband sense of being lost and lonely,in her heart multiplies the life journey which is the common people cannot imagines,she compelled own road of from the political, a woman's dynasty henceforth established... ...This book author is Taiwan deceased famous writer Gaoyang.Given name Xu Yan bing, the character wild Yanbing, the pen name is Junwang,Niyu,he is born to the Qiantang prominent family.His university has not graduated, enters the Kuomintang air force academy, has worked as the air force officer.In 1948 he accompanied the armed forces to go to Taiwan. Once was appointed Kuomintang army chief staff Uncle Wang the inscription secretary.After he retires from the armed services is appointed Taiwan "the China Daily News" chief editor, but also takes the post of "Central Daily paper" special editor-in-chief.Gaoyang excels to the historical evidence textual criticism, once by "wild academician" from road.His achievement not only lies in comments Shi Shushi, more importantly uses in its history knowledge to create the historical novel.In 1962, Gaoyang is invited to serialize to the union newspaper newspaper supplement "the Li Baby", this work not only amazes the world with a single brilliant feat, also became the Gaoyang history not to say the creation the source.Will publish "Cixi Entire Biography" in future and Hu Xueyan the trilogy, has established his present age chief history writer of fiction's status.The Gaoyang life work altogether has 90, approximately 105 volume. Gaoyang's historical novel not only attenion history atmosphere building, the plot is unconstrained, is for the purpose of expressively, writes when the character holds the characteristic entire.

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