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The Ancient Engineers
(L. Sprague De Camp)

A book review by Literary Magic (www.LiteraryMagic.com), an online literary magazine.Reviewed by Literary Magic, Editor.

The Ancient Engineers is a very informative book. It discusses ?Technology and invention from the earliest times to the Renaissance,? and is packed with useful information for historians and those who enjoy history. De Camp begins his nonfiction book interestingly, discussing Ancient life and the probability of something being invented. He talks about how when there are more people and more people with more leisure time, the chances of someone inventing something or there being a break-through in science increases dramatically. This book is highly recommended to all, although since it can be boring to those uninterested in history or reading, don?t read it unless you?re a reading or history maven. If you do like medieval warfare and technology though, this book will be of the greatest use.

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