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An Army Of Animals
(Ken Methold)

A long time ago, the South American country
of Chile belonged to Spain. Many of
the Chileans, however, did not want to be ruled by Spain.

Led by Bernardo O?Higgins, some of them
formed a small army. They attacked the Spanish soldiers at different times an
din different places.

This made the King of Spain very angry. He
sent more soldiers to Chile
to deal with them.

Although thee were far more Spanish
soldiers than freedom-fighters, they refused to surrender and fought bravely.

At last, however, in 1814, they were forced
to retreat to the town of Rancagua near Santiago. There,
O?Higgins and his men were surrounded by the Spanish army and O?Higgins was
wounded by an enemy bullet.

It seemed as if their fight for freedom was

But O?Higgins refused to surrender. Even
though he was wounded, he ordered his men to collect as many mules, cows, sheep
and dogs as possible.

As soon as the animals were in position in
front of his men, O?Higgins was lifted onto his horse.

Shouting at the top of his voice, he rode
into the animals.

Frightened, they began to run. They ran
straight at the Spanish soldiers.

Now it was the Spaniards? turn to be
frightened. They turned and ran away from the animals as fast as they could,
allowing O?Higgins and his men to escape to the mountains.

There he built up his army, and in 1818 he
defeated the Spanish.

He then became the first president of the
new, free nation.

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