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State Of Fear
(Michael Crichton)

Michael Crichton is a best-selling author of thrillers, including THE
likes, on occasion, to use his thriller to preach to his readers. STATE OF FEAR
is one of those occasions.

The protagonist of the book is Peter Evans, young environmentally aware
lawyer. His primary client is Michael Morton, a philanthropist particularly
interested in environmental causes. When Morton is reported dead immediately
after calling for an outside audit of the National Environmental Resource Fund,
whose board he is on and Morton?s assistant is attacked, Evans is drawn
unwillingly into the fight against an international conspiracy which threatens
the world. He is joined in this fight by John Kenner, the head of a top secret
government agency, Sarah Jones, Morton?s resourceful assistant, and Jennifer
Haynes, another environmental attourney.

The thriller provides an international setting, ranging from Paris to --literallly--the ends of the earth--and ends with a satisfactory shoot-out in the Solomon Islands. . It involves a satisfactory
number of murders and attempted murders, the use of the forces of nature in the
commission of crimes and a satisfactory, and a pleasant,if chaste, love interest. Readers who have enhoyed other Michael Crichton books sill not be disappointed.

The author is primarily concerned with the Politico-Legal-Media Complex,
which he believes has replaced the Military-Industrial Complex as the main
threat to American liberty and democracy. He believes that the PLP Complex
pursues its goals by keeping the citizens of western nations in a constant state
of fear ordering on panic. In STATE OF FEAR, he particularly focuses on the
threats of global warming. How much emphasis he places on this message can be
seen in his devoting ten pages of his story to a minor character explaining the
Political-Legal ?Media Complex. It can also be seen in his devoting the last
forty-one pages of a six hundred three page book to his views on the
environment and what should and should not be done to protect it and an
annotated bibliography.

This book should be read by any lover of well-written thrillers. It should
also be read by those who have doubts about global warming to investigate the
scientific basis for doubts, and by those who support the idea of global
warning so they can answer the questions about anomalous data and data which
casts doubt on their position.

Highly recommended for those who like to escape for an hour or so with a good thriller and for those who are seriously concerned about science, businees and government.

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- State Of Fear

- State Of Fear

- State Of Fear

- State Of Fear

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