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Requisites For Success

Requisites for success

When a person undertakes any activity with the attitude of surrender to God he derives joy in it instead of feeling the strain. The reason for this is that the mind gives undivided attention to the work. The requisites for success are physical stamina and skill to accomplish the task, intelligence and sagacity of mind to surmount the obstacles that arise.
In her discourse, Srimathi Jaya Srinivasan said Hanuman possessed all these characteristics necessary to succeed in the mission of locating Sita entrusted to him. Besides his exceptional physical prowess, which was necessary to cross the ocean, he was endowed with special powers (Siddhis) by which he could increase or decrease his form.
The Ramayana describes that he embarked on his assignment after invoking the gods for success in his service of the Lord. To the astonishment of his kinsmen assembled his body grew in size that he had to leap across the sea from the peak of the Mahendra mountain. He promised them that he would return successfully with Sita or else bring Lanka with Ravana after uprooting it. Such was his determination to succeed. The epic recounts how everyone including Nature wanted to be of service to Lord Rama. When Hanuman was flying towards Lanka the deity of the ocean assisted the Lord's messenger by asking Mount Mainaka to rise from the ocean floor so that Hanuman could rest for a while on its peak. But to Hanuman who was one-pointed in his resolve, the towering mountain seemed to be an impediment blocking his way and so he declined its offer citing that he had no time at his disposal to tarry and sped on his way.
The gods then decided to test Hanuman's skill and strength and asked Surasa, the mother of the Nagas, to disrupt his journey. She assumed the form of an ogress and tried to devour him but Hanuman with all sincerity told her that he would offer himself after completing his mission. But she persisted by telling him to proceed after entering her wide mouth. Making use of his Siddhis he outwitted her and also killed another ogress Simhika who accosted him. The celestials witnessing his feats blessed him that he who was replete with the four virtues of determination, vision, understanding and skill would never fail in his undertakings.

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