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The Da Vinci Code
(Dan Brown)

Excellent. Much better that the film. You put the eye in the first paragraph and already the will to be in the next page comes it. Of this, for the next chapter. Already it wants to arrive at the end. The sensation of a game takes account of the reader, such the speed of the narrative. The quality of the tram too. Dan Brow has the ability of a pilot of GP. To each curve you guess a fall. It skids, raises the advantage, speeds up in the tip of the fingers and you already he is in the next straight line more than the 300 for the moment. Ah! The plot is the sacred cálice. Or it will be the real blood? Or the ancestry of Christ and Madalena? Each interrogation sends to another question. You almost incarnate Da Vinci. He creates possible scenes, schemes solutions. The replies pictures in its mind. The doubts also. Saints inquisitions! After one, two, three hours of reading, you still is alert, waked up, if rummaging in the sofa or the bed, revisiting surrounding and revival screens. Without breath. It orders to oxygen and it waits unexpected outcomes. The personages invoke the civilization occidental person, its rocks and pillars and the exercise of the secular power for the policemen of the paradigms and mysteries of two a thousand years. Because so real and involving, the narrative bothers the confession and the faith of exactly progressive conservatives and. It will be only fiction? si est benne trovatto?

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