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Midnight Clear
(William Wharton)

A group of young american soldiers are sent on a mission to patrol a site with an abandoned palace, which they must take over. Out of the whole division there were only six of them left: Avakian, Miller, Mundy, Shutzer, Wilkins and Will Knott nicknamed by his friends Wont also beeing the narrator of the whole novel. Wilkins can't stand the pressure and starts to show that he's going mad but fortunately they to control the crisis. However his friends try not to expose him to any other stressful situations. In the palace the americans find mattress' and some blankets and even a big storage with wine but still no sight of the enemy. Although they feel a little uncomfortable in an empty forest, they think it's better than to fight on the front. They wait for further orders. One evening unsuspectingly they hear a couple of words spoken in german pretty close to them. The soldiers are pale because of fear, from their friend who knows german they realise that someone just wished them a good night. The next day they see a couple of german soldiers on the road. They start to panic and think it's time to die but also this time nothing bad happened. Although the enemy could have killed them easely, he just vanished. It turns out that in an old shed there is hiding a group of german soldiers, lost in the chos of war like them. Just like the americans they have enough of killing and also they don't want to die. There comes a touching moment when the two sides meet on Christmas: the germans sing a carol, the americans join in the singing, they exchange wishes and even gifts. When they meet again the germans give information that they are ready to surrender but just to make it look real they want to arrange a fake fire exchange to the air. The americans though very suspicious, agree. They hold everything in sercret from Wilkins, not sure of his reaction. The day they settled, both sides gathered by the germans' shed and start shooting to the sky. Wilkins unaware of anything, suspects that there's a real gun fight there and moves out to help his friends.

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