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Click Here To Improve Your Self Concept
(Dr. Geetha Challa)

Strengthening your self-concept

There are four major ways to strengthening your self-concept and keep it functioning well:

· Look for your good points : The first step towards strengthening your self-concept is to recognize that you have many positive characteristics. You are very important for people. Perhaps you help a friend in problems, or always have a few pleasant words for a neighbour. Other people?s positive feelings about you reflect your good points. Get to know those good points by thinking about what others have said to you or how they act with you.

· Don?t sell yourself short. Perhaps you have a hard time thinking of any good points. You have difficulty believing the positive things people say about you. If someone thinks well of you, you might secretly feel that you are ?fooling? person. He or she doesn?t know how ?worthless? you really are. In thinking this way, you are only fooling yourself. People praise you because they feel you really deserve it. Think about what they say. Use other comments to discover your good points, and then develop those, characteristics until everyone see them.

· Be active with others. Put your strengths to use in some activity, preferably helping others. You could make a point of seeking out lonely people at your school, or being available to help new students who enter your school.

· Learn from everything you do. Be ready to feel good abut yourself when you are successful ? and be ready to accept other people?s praise. Thank people for complimenting you and remember the quality they admired in you. If you make a mistake, don't withdraw, but try to learn from it. A strong and positive self-concept make you feel a lot more comfortable about yourself and a lot surer about how to act. And a strong self-concept can also influence how others see you. If you recognize and focus on your strengths, others will notice them too.

As an individual you see your self in a certain way, which may be different from how others see you, your self concept whether positive or negative ? affects the way you feel and act, and the way other people relate to you, with a strong self concept as a foundation, you can work on increasing your strengths. You send messenger about yourself to others not only verbally, but also through body language, appearance, and manner you can strengthen or change these messages to communicate a positive view of yourself to other people. Looking at your physical, emotional, and mental characteristics will help you to form a picture of yourself.

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