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Lavender Roses: The Legacy
(Mary Frances)

Mary Frances takes the reader back into the lives of three women in her novel, Lavender Roses. Although she is a new author, her style is gripping and compelling. Laura Tanner, the main character, is like so many young women in this world today, working hard and getting nowhere. It is a rich tale of an inheritance and the hidden pitfalls of being alone and vulnerable. Like her mother and grandmother before her, Laura is haunted by a silent love and the mystery of her mothers suicide. Love, sex and money take the readers for a quiet ride among the roses in the old garden. Every story needs a heroine and this one has a silent partner known as Ronnie, the room mate and best friend who isn't always there to save the day. As Laura walks alone in the gardens of her grandmother, the past finds her and helps guide her through the secrets of the roses. This novel has mystery and suspense. The steps the author takes as she walks the reader through each day is surprising and talented. The ending is as expected and leaves the reader wondering if there is another book on the horizon.

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