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The Thin Pink Line (red Dress Ink Novels)
(Lauren Baratz-Logsted)

Jane Taylor thinks she's pregnant. She tells it to all her friends and relatives. Trevor, Jane's boyfriend is not particularly enthusiastic about the news and suggests doing a pregnancy test. Taylor buys the tests and, having found she is not really pregnant, draws a pink line on the test. The first drawing is not too good, so she hides the test under the sink; the second time she does succed, however, and this is the test she shows to Trevor. She will not undeceive her friends, either. She likes the way people react to her alleged pregnancy and the fact that she's become the centre of attention. Towards the end of the first trimester Trevor finds the hidden test, discovers the truth and leaves Jane. Jane drowns her sorrow sitting in a bar, where she meets Tolkien, who makes a big impression on her. She meets with an editor, Alice and reveals the whole truth now that Trevor is gone... Alice tells her to not to stop simulating pregnancy so that later she can write a book on it. Jane likes playing a pregnant woman abandoned by her partner. She does everything to prove she's pregnant: she gets caught stealing a fake belly, she tries to buy sonographic pictures from mothers-to-be etc.Jane meets Tolkien, who tells her that he's a secret agent from Scotland Yard. He proposes to Jane and says that he would like to meet her family. Now Jane has a dilemma: the book or Tolkien? She chooses the book. It already is her "ninth month". She can't sleep, she longs for Tolkien, decides to call him and goes to see him. On her way she sees a woman putting some small, tightly wrapped thing on the church stairs. It's a baby... Her baby! She knocks at Trevor's door, and then he sees her standing there with a rag baby on her belly and a real one in her arm.

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