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The Creative Ócio
(Domenico De Masi)



The proposal of the author is to defend a theory where the future is of who will practise the ?creative ócio?, that is, it belongs to who to know to become free itself of the traditional idea of the work as obligation and will be capable to mesclar activities, as the work, the free time and the study.


This book-magazine (thus it defines the proper author) allowed to the one Of Masi to explain of complete and organic form its thought on the work, the free time and the evolution of our society. In it, the author elaborates of accessible form the subjects of the postindustrial society, of the development without job, the globalization, the feminilização, the decline of the traditional ideologies, the emergent social citizens, the creativity and the free time.

The cloth of deep of this workmanship is a deep insatisfação that the author has with the social model elaborated by the Ocidente, over all for the United States, that are centered in the idolatria of the work, the market and the competitiveness. To this, Of Masi it not only opposes a new intent model to an efficient production, but also to a distribution equânime of the wealth, the work, knowing and the power.

The author defends that the confidence in the new technologies in will offer ócio greater to them and that the hope in the new biologias in will grant to greater longevity to them. He foresees that in average stated period the work time will be reduced and lead, in its bigger part, for the tele-work, that is, carried through of house, where the trend is to increase the free time.


It can be concluded that the author in its workmanship ?the CREATIVE ÓCIO? shows a vision of what he can come to be the postindustrial society, having a distribution equânime of the wealth, the work, knowing and of the power. Unsatisfied with the centered social model in the idolatria of the work, it it considers a bigger interaction between the work, the free time and the study, where the individuals are educated to privilege the satisfaction of radical necessities, as the introspection, the friendship, the love, the playful activities and the convivência.

According to author, ?the ócio can changed itself into violence, neurosis, vice and laziness, but he can also be raised for art, the creativity and the freedom. It is in the free time that we pass most of our days and is in it that we must concentrate our potentialities?.

Of Masi it compares, at the same time where it suggests a similarity in the ethics of the work with the ethics of the ócio. Far from being anachronistic, the theory of the author already finds adepts in everybody. Also in the great companies it has used cases of that they develop its activities in house or same they possess total flexible working hours.

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