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Paradise Lost
(John Milton)

John Milton was born on December 9, 1608, in London. At the early age of sixteen, Milton already aspired to write the great English epic. Milton considered many topics for his epic. Milton soon returned to revise his epic, redividing it into twelve books (as the classical epics were divided), and publishing it in its authoritative second edition form in 1671.
Milton?s speaker begins Paradise Lost by stating that his subject will be Adam and Eve?s disobedience and fall from grace. He invokes a heavenly muse and asks for help in relating his ambitious story and God?s plan for humankind. The action begins with Satan and his fellow rebel angels who are found chained to a lake of fire in Hell. Inside Pandemonium, the rebel angels, who are now devils, debate whether they should begin another war with God. Beezlebub suggests that they attempt to corrupt God?s beloved new creation, humankind. Satan agrees, and volunteers to go himself. In Heaven, God orders the angels together for a council of their own. He tells them of Satan?s intentions. Satan then lands on Earth and takes a moment to reflect. Seeing the splendor of Paradise brings him pain rather than pleasure. He reaffirms his decision to make evil his good, and continue to commit crimes against God. Satan leaps over Paradise?s wall, takes the form of a cormorant, and perches himself atop the Tree of Life. Uriel warns the other angels of the presence of an impostor is in their midst.
Meanwhile, Adam and Eve tend the Garden, carefully obeying God?s supreme order not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Then, Satan takes the form of a toad and whispers into Eve?s ear. Satan prepares to battle Gabriel, but God makes a sign appear in the sky?the golden scales of justice?and Satan scurries away. Eve awakes and tells Adam about a dream she had, in which an angel tempted her to eat from the forbidden tree. Worried about his creation, God sends Raphael down to Earth to teach Adam and Eve of the dangers they face with Satan.
Raphael arrives on Earth and eats a meal with Adam and Eve. After the meal, Eve retires, allowing Raphael and Adam to speak alone. Raphael relates the story of Satan?s envy over the Son?s appointment as God?s second-in-command. Satan gathered other angels together who were also angry to hear this news, and together they plotted a war against God. Abdiel decides not to join Satan?s army and returns to God. The battle lasts two days, when God sends the Son to end the war and deliver Satan and his rebel angels to Hell. Raphael tells Adam about Satan?s evil motives to corrupt them, and warns Adam to watch out for Satan. Adam asks Raphael to tell him the story of creation. Adam says that God spoke to him and told him many things, including his order not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. After the story, Adam confesses to Raphael his intense physical attraction to Eve. Eight days after his banishment, Satan returns to Paradise. Meanwhile, Eve suggests to Adam that they work separately for awhile, so they can get more work done. Adam is hesitant but then assents. Satan searches for Eve and is delighted to find her alone. In the form of a serpent, he talks to Eve complimenting her on her beauty and godliness. He tells Eve that God actually wants her and Adam to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. She is hesitant at first but then reaches for a fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and eats. She becomes distraught and searches for Adam. Adam has been busy making a wreath of flowers for Eve. When Eve finds Adam, he drops the wreath and is horrified to find that Eve has eaten from the forbidden tree. Knowing that she has fallen, he decides that he would rather be fallen with her than remain pure and lose her. So he eats from the fruit as well. God immediately knows of their disobedience. He tells the angels in Heaven that Adam and Eve must be punished, but with a display of both justice and mercy. The Son first punishes the serpent and condemns it never to walk upright again. Then the Son tells Adam and Eve that they must now suffer pain and death. God tells the angels to transform the Earth. On Earth, Adam and Eve fear their approaching doom. In a fit of rage, Adam wonders why God ever created Eve. Eve begs Adam not to abandon her. She accepts the blame because she has disobeyed both God and Adam. Together they pray to God and repent. God hears their prayers, and sends Michael down to Earth. Michael then puts Eve to sleep and takes Adam up onto the highest hill, where he shows him a vision of humankind?s future. Adam feels remorse for death and happiness for humankind?s redemption. Adam sees the triumph of Moses and the Israelites, and then glimpses the Son?s sacrifice to save humankind. After this vision, it is time for Adam and Eve to leave Paradise. Eve awakes and tells Adam that she had a very interesting and educating dream. Led by Michael, Adam and Eve slowly and woefully leave Paradise hand in hand into a new world.

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- Paradise Lost, Book Five

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- Paradise Lost, Book Nine

- Paradise Lost, Book Ten

- Paradise Lost, Book Ten

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