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How Can India Win Against Terrorism ?

How can India win against Terrorism ?

The issue gets even more complex with Indian politics in the mix. The ruling Manmohan Singh, Sonia Gandhi Congress lead UPA Government does not want to blame Pakistan but is under pressure to do so while actually being clueless on who actually to blame. The fact that an ambitious Arjun Singh who could not help himself from talking about reservations for muslims on the day after the blasts made unseemly remarks about the RSS stagemanaging the attack on its headquarters in Nagpur is not helping the Congress either. The Prakash Karat, Sitaram Yechury lead CPI-M which supports the UPA in the Indian Parliament from outside the government, doesn?t really care who is to blame but believes that if India abandons its foreign policy from Pro-America to Anti-America all ills of terrorism in the sub-continent would end. The principal opposition BJP has been most vocal about blaming Pakistan but also believes that the Minority appeasement policies of the UPA Government and Mulayam Singh Yadav in UP have actually encouraged local groups like the SIMI to engage in terrorism. Mulayam Singh Yadav on the other hand under increasing pressure from Muslim political fronts in the run-up to the Assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh has gone out of his way to defend the SIMI to protect his muslim ?yadav MY votebank. So there you can see how complex it is to evolve and sustain a broad political consensus based Anti-Terrorism strategy in India in an era of fragmented polities and minority coalition governments.

So can India really win against the scourge of terrorism in its homeland and can it ever make peace with Pakistan ?

It?s a question without any easy or obvious answers. Calling off peace talks with Pakistan while sending a signal on intentions doesn?t quite effect any adverse consequences on either the terrorists or their sponsors. Hoping for a G-8 statement on terror and organizing a global convention while drawing much needed moral support from the International community is only but a small step towards a long term international co-operation against global terrorism. Hot pursuit as some have demanded against alleged terrorist training camps in Pakistan and Bangladesh while adrenaline stimulating are easier said than done. The only known cases of such long distance hot pursuits are asymmetrical actions of advanced military powers against weaker states e.g. American missile strikes in Afghanistan, Israel striking targets in Palestine and Hezbollah in Lebanon. A lot is said about Indian Intelligence but the fact of the matter despite claims and counterclaims on Pakistani links and terrorist training claims, little by way of public evidence has been made or claimed. If there indeed exists such compelling and incontrovertible evidence what is preventing India from calling an emergency meeting of the Security Council, laying the evidence bare and demanding international sanctions or military action just like Afghanistan or Iraq. The fact that India has so far limited its International mobilization to applying pressure on Pakistan indicates that the evidence while credible is not incontrovertible and damning. The terrorist infrastructure is clearly operating under multiple layers of anonymity from direct funding, training and planning standpoint. Which brings us back to the original question ? What can India really do ?

Well it is the season for prescriptions on terror and here you go -

Offstumped Prescription for India?s war against Terror: India needs to fight its battle on four fronts.

The first is to send a message to Pakistan and the world that Indian patience has reached its limits and that it would consider withdrawing its unilateral moratorium on no first use of Nuclear Weapons in a public debate in Parliament to demonstrate its seriousness.

The second would be to draw up a comprehensive counter terrorism strategy and action plan to be monitored and executed by the Central government in partnership with State and Local Governments to share intelligence and to increase urban surveillance and security through civic participation and hefty rewards. This would at least increase local vigilance and restrict logistics and freedom of operation of terror modules.

The third would be to penetrate the extended sponsor network of terror across Pakistan and Gulf states and leverage remote sensing satellite networks and global communications and financial surveillance through international co-operation to build a stockpile of incontrovertible proof of how terror is sponsored, planned and executed.

The fourth and most controversial would be to devise overt and covert means to effect a regime change in Pakistan and Bangladesh to suit Indian strategic interests.

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