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Revolutiionary Wealth
(Alvin and Heidi Toffler)

The revolutionary wealth referred to in the title is simply knowledge based wealth created in advanced knowledge-based economies. Well, all right, a lot of new knowledge is being acquired now and it will lead to new wealth for some or many people. Of course, this has been going on since even before mankind developed the knowledge to control fire, cook his food and keep warm in his cave.
The book consists of a cursory examination of all the world?s problems and of the new technologies and approaches now being investigated in scientific, political and business circles to deal with or end-run these problems. Much of the book is interesting despite the fact that in general it offers too little information about too much, and, in the end, convinces one of nothing.
The authors show a lot of starstruck awe of the future miracles of biotechnology and nanotechnology. I cannot help but be reminded of my young adulthood when DDT and other pesticides were thought sure to rid the world of bad bugs, and nuclear electric power was expected to become "too cheap to meter." And I think they pay insufficient attention to the overriding and possibly intractable problem of a finite planet being overmined and desertified by excessive human population growth. They also completely avoid the fact that there is no technology in the offing for eliminating the simple greed that leads to the corruption and conflict which continue to undermine progress everywhere.
Their conclusion is that waxing pessimistic is no substitute for thought. Okay, I doubt anyone said it was, and I?m not sure this thesis is strong enough to hang a 391-page book on.

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