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Conversations With God For Teens

FINALLY,ANSWERSSuppose you could ask god any questions you wanted, questions like : why cant my parents stay in love and stay married?or....how do you decide who gets to be alanis morissette or michael jordan, and who gets to live regular lives ?or.....why cant i just have sex and have it to be ok with everybody?whats the big deal?And suppose you received responses to your questions.Responses like:"your parents can stay in love and stay married but it would require a shift in the things they believe for them to do so.you can also be very ok and live a happy life if your parents do ot stay together,but that would require a shift in the things you believe."I do not decide who gets to be alanis morissette and who gets to live regular lives .You do.You are making those choices right now .The problem is ,you don't know that you're doing it-or how."you can have as much sex as you want ,everyday of your life and it will be very okay with everybody .but first you must understand what sex is -and that may not be what you think."would you want to hear more?you are about to. This topic contains questions just like that,from teenagers all over the world.The responses you'ii find here have been placed here for your consideration only .this book has not come here to give you"the answers." The last thing you need is someone else giving you "the answers."The hope is that this book will place you in touch with your own answerswhen you are in touch with your own answers,the hopelessness that you may sometimes feel inside can be ended.This book is the result of a coversation with god .okay,okay,so you don't even know if there is a god ,much less whether we can have a conversation , right ?

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