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Letra de um freestyle do novo álbum do Eminem RELAPSE_ I'm having a relapse_

Oh/Oh/I said oh/I said oh/I said man/Damn oh dammit please couldn't he back/I am having a relapse
How the hell did he manage to get more felony charges?/He's already got life in jail man, what the hell is his problem?/Well to be honest the smell of this chronic, leaves make me hella demonic./They compelled me to kill this elderly man, and/I get these these panic attacks, pop a Xanax relax!/Tryna' stick my fuckin' dick inside a mannequin's ass./Then I get manic depressed, see the orthodontist get gas masked/
Kick ass, the first thing I put on is the mask./Speaking of mask, man it ain't too late to have a change of pace,/And take it off and show my face, so you can see the things you facin'/Slice you up and cook you after you're murdered by strangulation./That's bacon soufflé you makin' ain't you? But thank you Jason./
There goes one more coma, due to blunt force trauma./Just give me one more soma, and I'll be done for it mama./Go in the damn broom closet, another Valium lawsuit./Shove in the vacuum nozzle, down the bathroom faucet./It seems like every day I get a little flakier,/The medication is makin' my hands a little shakier./Hand me that 18-month-old baby, to shake him up./It'll only take me a, second to choke his trachea./Breaking his neck in eightysome places, baby he's Shady comes lady./He's got the razor b-blades and the ch-ch-chain-ch-saw, baby/You b-b-blundering bumbling mu-mu-mumbling dumb dumbs./
Yea, here I come come, you here the rumbling? Vrum-vrum?/There's something inside of that blue tub and that drum-drum./My head and torso is someone, where'd it come from?/Who's it belong to maybe the girl with the long blonde?/Hair who disappeared and left the cheerleader pom-poms./Clearly there's somin' wrong, ‘cos she didn't come home./She's missin,' where is she? /Somethin' fishy is goin' on!/
I guess he stuck the bitch, with the pitchfork, with the long prongs./Now everybody get your dance on to my dance song,/
Come on!

Espero que os fãs assim como eu tenham gostado Eminem é o cara!

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