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The Alchemist
(Paulo Coelho)

I would like to rectify this fabulous writer's name, Brazilian by birth with heart of universal root. Paulo Coelho was capable to gather in the book THE Alchemist, the mysteries that Man?s created, with the symbolism that enclosed to each object or event, but more important was that he could learned the respect for the varied cultures, specially the oriental, where some habits are still valued that in the western life is got lost at along ago. The boy shepherd of sheep, that learned the essence of the elements, even without noticing, has it?s objectives well delineated, until that one day everything modified. For the statement that would not be the road through where he should proceed, the choices that had done they would be for his own misery, Santiago the shepherd, sells its sheep, to seek a treasure in the Pyramids of Egypt.

After a consultation to an old woman that interpreted dreams, he begins to understand that could not trust everyone, however the old woman had told him that there was a treasure in the Pyramids of Egypt.

In the square he sits down, appears a old man, with who he doesn't wants to speak. But the old man, that interrupted his lecture of a rented book, he asked him which the largest lie of the world and answered: "It is this: in certain moment of our existence, we lost the control of our lives, and it becomes governed by the destiny. This is the largest lie of the world".

After this character's knowledge that is nothing else more than the Salem King, who teaches the boy the importance of executing his Personal Legend as being the only obligation of the Men. He also explains to him about the Soul of the World and he demonstrates it with the people's misery that didn?t they Personal Legend. He also speaks to Santiago about the language of the signs and of the importance of knowing to interpret them.

After that Santiago begins a trip for Africa where he finds obstacles as the language, the people of bad intentions and he discovers the depression after having been robbed and been without anything. He also discovers that he can use his influence in the other people's life, taking a crystals salesperson to enrichment and making money again to continue trip.

In the desert he will learn that life and death walk together. When arriving to a Oasis he finds part of his Personal Legend in Fatima, a girl of the desert that learned with the other women to wait until they men's return. He leaves the Oasis to complete its Personal Legend. Will he have the force and determination to go till the end? Will he have perspicacity to understand the elements force? Will he arrive to his Treasure? This is a book that although enough based on the fiction, takes us to ponder the choices that we do in our life and the zeal that we maintain with her. It lifts subjects as who will truly be the Creator of all the things and which His objective with us. Wonder if the Personal Legend and the Soul of the World exists? Paulo Coelho wrote a book based on legends of millennial cultures and in his own faiths. Can some of them have a base relatively strong, but for that it is necessary to deepen our knowledge from the foundation of the world, who did create the Universe, who did create us, which the purpose of our existence and finally where are going?

Paula VD

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- The Alchemist

- The Alchemist

- The Alchemist

- The Alchemist

Passei.com.br | Biografias


