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Desperate For Love
(federica ;bosco)

There are moments in a woman's life when she feels alone, sad and lost in the chaos of life. Arianna is normal 30 year old woman, with a not very easy childhood, and with her parents always watching every thing she is doing...
All of their unfulfilled dreams where pressed on the little Arianna, growing up with no freedom, finds herself becoming a woman totaly unfulfilled and unsatisfied with everything, especially in her love life where she is desperalty looking for it. In the end she will find herself and will descouver the longed love is closer than she has ever imagined...
It's a sory that will give us the power to continue to dream and will make us understand that happyness comes by itself to us when we think that we have faild everything...

Resumos Relacionados

- Proud To Be A Woman

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- Someone I Loved

- My Life

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