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Cashflow Quadrant---rich Dad?s Guide To Financial Freedom
(Robert T. Kiyosaki)

The letters in each quadrant represent the Employee, Self-Employed, Business Owner, and Investor. Discover how to move from the left side to the B and I Quadrants, where you work less, earn more, pay less taxes and have more free time to spend with your loved ones!

?The benefit of living in a free society is that we all have the choice to be rich, poor, or middle class. The decision is up to you.?
? Robert Kiyosaki
How did this author go from homeless to being financially free in a few short years? In a nutshell, you must be true to yourself and what you want to achieve. Sit down and map out your financial plan. Control your spending habits. Minimize your debt and liabilities. Live within your means and find ways to increase your means. Develop a long-term plan. Keep in mind your most valuable asset is Time. Keep things simple. You will later learn all about the different quadrants and be able to plot your own unique path to financial success by having more than one source of income, real assets, and investments.
Put something away. Pay yourself first. Mind your own business. Invest in assets that put money in your pocket. Build an efficient and profitable business system that earns and works hard for you while you are out playing golf.
It isn?t about how much money you make, it?s really about how much money you keep, how fast it grows and works for you, and for how many generations it will last?.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
We have all been conditioned all our lives to go to school, get good grades, and then get a safe, secure job. This is Industrial Age thinking.
In today?s Information Age, this advice is obsolete. We are not taught how to become business owners and investors. Gone are the days when the company or government can guarantee a pension for your old age. Today and in the future, more and more people will see that they can only rely on themselves and their financial knowledge if they want real security.
It would be wiser to condition ourselves, and our children into thinking: Go to school, get good grades, build businesses, and become a successful investor. . . . . . .

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