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Pride And Prejudice
(Jane Austen)

This literary masterpiece is pivoted around the themes of courtship and marriage among the landed gentry in the early 19th century. Some characters marry for security, some marry for wealth, and some marry for love. The idea of marriage is very important throughout the novel, primarily because it was often the only way for a woman of the period to secure her freedom, social status, and living standard. Appearance versus reality is a recurring motif all throughout the novel. Near the beginning of the novel, Mr. Darcy points out that humility is the most deceitful appearance of all, and that it is often a careless remark, but can be a way to uplift one's view among others.
Pride and prejudice depicts the state of affairs in England a century ago similar to what Bride and prejudice does for India today.

You can get the jest of the novel in opening lines ?It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife?.

Book is all about the prejudices that are associated with marriage and the journey of Elizabeth from a lady holding on with pride to a lovely bride to Mr. Darcy. First half is dominated by the vibrant love story of Jane and Mr. Bingely, the trials and tribulations and the moments of romance, and the ongoing war of words between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. There are a series of dramatic twists and turns that lead to a happy ending.

Characters are well sketched and resemble people around us. The main character is Elizabeth Bennet, a beautiful 20-year-old woman possessed of a quick mind and a quick tongue. Elizabeth's beloved eldest sister, Jane, is gentler but equally attractive. Alas, their parents and three younger sisters are less admirable Mr. Bennet with his sarcastic humor, not so perfect match for Mrs. Bennet , over anxious mother of five daughters. Hero of the novel,Mr.Darcy is Mr. Bingley's close friend, an intelligent, wealthy and reserved man, who often appears haughty or proud to strangers .Mr. Bingely is an outgoing, extremely good-natured, and wealthy young man who leases property near the Bennets' estate. Though there are may side characters that keep on propelling the story. Author make you imagine the scenes with the vivid description of characters and the places they visit.

Pride and prejudice is indeed a classic.

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