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Without Fear Of Being Happy

This book is an invitation to the reflection on so longed for happiness and, without imposing magical rules or formulas, in the sample that it is well close to us, however, for it reaches it, it is necessary to know we ourselves.

All are to the search of the happiness. Nobody would say in sã conscience that it does not desire to be happy. Rich and poor, men and women, children and adults, sick people and sãos, religious and atheistic, at last, all want to such allegiance. From there why all look it, in the most varied places and of the most different forms. But, if the search is great, nor always the meeting occurs.

For many, the conquest of the happiness is associated with the acquisition of corporeal properties. They think, for example, that they will be happy when to buy that imported car, that house in the beach or when to gain great richness in the lottery. E, for times, arrives until the dreamed attentive o, but, the spite of the wealth, continues unhappy, feels an enormous emptiness existencial. The reached richness only increased the load of sufferings of that person, with the addition of the concerns that before did not visit it.

Others had anchored the dream of the happiness in the fame search, of the success, the power. They imagine that only the public recognition of its artistic or intellectual talentos will be able to make happy. E, of equal form, many times comes the success, comes the consecration, but the happinesses do not come meetings. To I oppose it, had been sadder. Although to be public known, they continue alone. They fear the approach of the people.
They live the dualidade of the fame and the solitude and say, frequently, that they would give everything to take a common life. But the fame did not allow it to enjoy of this simple pleasure of the life.

For others the happiness is conditional to the inexistence of problems. They say: ?As I can be happy loading some torments?

And thus walks for the life waiting the day where its problems finish there for yes enjoying to such happiness. ?But will exist somebody in the face of the land that does not have problems?

Let us not think that a rich person is exempt of difficulties. It can not have the concerns with the currency, but certainly it has other afflictions that the wealth is not capable to surpass. The gold does not decide all the problems. That they say those fortunate ones to it that they would desire to saborear the best foods of the world, but that for tormentosas illnesses at least rice plate of and beans can be fed of a simple.

Then many people are conditioning the happiness á occurrence of a external factor. They will only be happy when they will be rich; when they will be famous; when they will be loved; when to arrange a good job; when they will not have problems; e list continues without end.

And we? It will be that also we are conditioning our happiness some event, to some corporeal property, some person? Will be this the way of the happiness? Certainly, not. The happiness is not is of us. It is, before everything, a state of spirit, a way to see life and one not determined event.

We can reach the happiness today, now, the spite of the problems that be facing. It is enough to look at the life with other eyes, moving the lenses for which we enxergamos the facts.

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