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Continente - (1949)
(Érico Veríssimo)

Continent I Sobrado I - the Saga of history gaucho, with the personage Jose Líprio. The source - the author comes back in the time in search of origins. In the missions of the seven peoples with the Jesuits of Spanish origin. He relates to the indians of the mission. Sobrado II - In return to the sobrado besieged one, the lives, bitter and suffered. Alice after childbirth hours loses the girl. Ana Land - Year of 1777. History focuses lands in a farm. The passion between Ana and a called indian Peter. Engravida Ana. The city of Fé Saint was being born. Sobrado III - 25 of June of 1895 Licurgo live in the sobrado one, its hatred its anger. Its son inside of a box of goiaba, deceased. D. Bibiaba she speaks that the girl was happy for Having died. Because of the machismo, certain captain Rodrigo Cambará - One day arrived in Fé Saint the horse, come nobody wise person of where. The beautiful head of male altivamente raised. Blessed Amaral and captain Rodrigo fight for Bibiana that made an impression for it, dreams in marriage. Its father warns that captain Rodrigo alone had a horse, a violão and a sword. Exactly thus it house with it. Anita dies and Rodrigo enters the movement of the Farroupilha Revolution. E died by the legalists You land on water. Sobrado IV - the wind to beat and to assoviar, the sobrado one continued surrounded. The Continent II Teinaguá - the history of Fé Saint Tells, that in 1890 passes the condition of Village. The sobrado one was the house showiest (former it will cambará). Today the Aguinaldo Silva belongs. Sobrado V - 26 of June, 1895. Licurgo defends from above Fé Saint of the water stolen of casaroto. The empire fell and if it installs the republic. It is the War Federalist. This chapter tells the wall of the sobrado one and Fé Saint. The War - Sixth December of war - Fé Saint showed decay signals. The Sobrado VI - 26 of June, the 1895 sobrado one surrounded by the maragatos. Ismália Caré - the notice was that 24 of June 1884, Fé Saint will be raised and is the sacristão, that praises the heroes of Fé Saint, after as many battles. Sobrado VII - It cried out in the large house: "Flag of truce". It finishes the war. The federalists had abandoned the ranks and the republicans enter in the city. Fragmentos - He died in good hour. This has to work, to suffer, to marry, to create children, and to be waiting when the children go for the war. First they need people, they suck in our chests, they mijam in our col. Later they grow, if they marry and they treat people as an old caco (Érico Verissímo)

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