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The City And The Mountains
(Eça de Queiros)

Since the book "The City and the
Mountains" is one of the books for the literature part of the
FUVEST, I hope that this summary is useful for those taking it. But I
nonetheless recommend reading the original book or even reading other
summaries of this book. This work tells the story of a man, Jacinto,
who lives in France, Paris, told from the point of view of his great
friend, Zé Fernandes (narrator character). Jacinto has a
beautiful house in Paris, where every comfort and every technological
device that it is possible to imagine for the time are to be found.
One day Jacinto receives a letter saying that he needs to go to
Tormes, in Portugal, to take care of the re-burial of some bones of
ancestors of his family. He goes and accommodates himself without the
various comforts at his disposal in Paris, this despite having
provided for the sending of all his belongings, comforts and books to
an old house that his family had, everything having been mislaid in
the train journey through Spain (we can infer that he is criticizing
Spain). Two weeks after his arrival, he is already another person,
much healthier and more cheerful. Jacinto resolves the question of
his ancestors and decides to stay in Tormes, he gets married and has
children. Eça of Queirós, the author of this book, like
many Portuguese writers of his time, argues with the stories told in
his books, that Portugal is better than any other country of Europe.

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- The City And The Mountains

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- A Cidade E As Serras

- A Cidade E As Serras

- A Cidade E As Serras

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