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The Great Gatsby
(F. Scott Fitzgerald)

Ah, The Great Gatsby. If you have not read this book yet, you are seriously missing out. I mean, it's not that long, get to it! While I am a person that shuns picking favorites, if I were to make a favorite list, this book would be near the top. As far as American Literature is concerned, this book is one of the most beautiful expressions of our idealistic, greedy, hopeful, and young country.

So much could be (oh and has been!) written about this book. I think I once wrote a paper merely tracing a few of the color choices throughout the story. Unfortunately, the best line is the very last one, so I won't spoil it here, but it's a knockout that connects the story into the greater whole of New York as a city, our civilization, and our life as it is lived out on this small stage.

The Great Gatsby is the bible of the Jazz Age, the epitomy of the Roaring Twenties, the Da Vinci Code of the charming flappers and desperate gamblers. Jay Gatsby is the ultimate mystery man, a self-made millionaire who is isolated by his own carefully concocted image. Daisy Buchanan is the stunning, thoughtless woman who crushes his heart. Oh, and I could go on, but you will just need to read to enjoy.

I?ll end on the note that this book also chronicles much of what New York City is all about: young people coming here with big dreams from all over the world, the glitter and charm of the society and culture, the struggle and dark underside of daily life, the humanity compressed, the incredible loneliness of a dream town filled with people who never look you in the eye, the chance encounters and fateful moments that can change lives forever.

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- The Great Gatsby

- The Great Gatsby

- The Great Gatsby

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